Volunteers Needed

Help Support the ASSA & Astronomy in South Australia

Our Mission: To observe, understand, share and to enjoy the wonders of the Universe

Our Vision: To inspire and enrich the astronomer in everyone

The Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSA) relies critically upon its members to volunteer their time in order for the Society to function. Please consider turning your passion for Astronomy into helping the Society to serve its members and the general community. You will be part of a dedicated team making a real contribution and helping to maintain a balanced workload amongst fellow volunteers.

Members can volunteer to serve on Council as elected officers, or they can serve in non-elected roles by appointment, or they can support the Society in less formal ways.

Volunteer opportunities become available at various times, and are listed on this page to help members identify roles that may best suit them.

Current Volunteer Opportunities (updated 13 December 2023)

Vacancies for ASSA Council Positions

Currently there have been no nominations received for some core Council-positions:

  • Secretary

  • Young Astronomers’ Officer.

It is not too late to make enquiries about the positions and the amount of time involved in undertaking the duties.

Below is a summary of the duties of these positions:


The duties of the Secretary can be split into three areas. Each of these areas could be managed by one person which would considerably reduce the workload on an individual.

  • Secretary for Communications

This person would manage enquiries received from the public and members via the ASSA mobile phone, emails, and via letter.

Note: The ASSA mobile phone allows for voice messages to be left – it does not have to always travel with the person.

  • Secretary for Council Meetings

This person would, in conjunction with the President, manage the monthly Council Meetings. This would involve creating, collating, and distributing agenda; monthly reports; relevant documentation; minutes; and action items.

  • General Secretary

This person would be responsible for the activities that occur regularly throughout the year. Duties would include assisting the President in applying for grants; ensuring the accuracy of records re Council Members, Honorary Life Members, and Life Members; managing the annual nominations for Council positions; uploading relevant information to ASSA’s Member Zone. 

Young Astronomers’ Officer

The Young Astronomers’ Officer develops strategies and implements programs to engage and support young people interested in the science of astronomy and/or amateur astronomy.



Please contact the ASSA Council by phone on: 0408 262 111, or by email at: secretary@assa.org.au