Become a Member

The Society provides the following classes of membership:

Membership Class with digital newsletter with print newsletter

Full membership for individual

$70 $120

Membership for a family with all members residing at the same address (no concessions available). Only one member of a Family membership may vote at a meeting.

$90 $140

Individual with Concession
Full membership for individual who is:

  • under 18 but not a full-time student
  • pensioner
  • unemployed
  • concession card
  • country location (>80km from the Adelaide GPO)
$50 $100

Full time student
Concessional rate for full membership for an individual studying full-time.

$25 n/a
School or other institution. One representative may be nominated to attend meetings and to vote.
$90 n/a

Annual membership fees are due every 12 months. There are no joining fees.

All members are bound by the Society's Constitution and Rules.

Join online now

(Visa, MasterCard, PayPal or online transfer)

or download an application form (PDF). and forward the completed application form to us, together with your payment. 

Note: Most membership applications will be processed and become active within a few days. In some cases, depending upon time of year and availability of our volunteers, up to 2 weeks may be required to process a new membership application.

Online electronic payment is preferred. Payments by Cheques/Money Orders require up to 4 weeks to process and must be sent to:

Astronomical Society of South Australia
PO Box 385
Brooklyn Park SA 5032

If you have any questions about completing your membership application, please contact the Membership Officer at or telephone 0401 702 772.